Monday 8 October 2012

Silicene, Graphyne, Graphdiyne and Graphane - a Technology Briefing and Scouting Report that looks beyond Graphene

The technology scouting services arm of Del Stark Technology Solutions has published a new technology briefing on Silicene, Graphyne, Graphdiyne and Graphane to look at materials beyond Graphene.  This 106 page report provides access to news, patents, academic research findings and also highlights universities and institutes working in the field, as well as, companies and research organisations that are patenting. 
Silicene has been described as the graphene equivalent for silicon and has attracted tremendous attention as it could have a wider impact on the future developments in expanding areas of spintronics and nanoelectronics. 
Silicene has a tunable band gap and displays interesting physical, magnetic, and electronic properties and structurally it has been described as a honeycomb configuration.  These features have been highly contrasted in the literature against graphene, demonstrating that silicene has a richer structure.   This structure can be used for functionalisation and developing future electronics and electro-magnetic correlated devices.   The possible compatibility of silicene with current silicon-based micro-/nano technology will be of huge industrial interest.  
Some expert views from the report:
“Silicene is one of hot materials and promising as a material used for device applications.”  - Noriaki Takagi, Department of Advanced Materials Science Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo
“Silicene is expected to enter industry in a big way because the Silicon technology is very well developed and much of that may be used to develop Silicene based electronics.” - Dr.Gautam Mukhopadhyay, Institute Chair Professor in Physics, Physics Department, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay,
The report also looks at Graphyne, Graphdiyne and Graphane.
Report Cost:  £350
(VAT is not charged)
View the Table of Contents:
To order your copy or to request further information please contact Del Stark via:
t: +44 (0) 7903 115 148

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